Wirenet Amiga Internet

Web Search Engines

Here are some of the many search engines used on the WWW. If you know of any more then let us know at webresources@wirenet.co.uk

They can be used for searching for information on specific subjects, or even people.
AmiCrawler A new searcher, specially for the Amiga
Alta Vista Fairly new, but quickly gaining an excellent reputation
Yahoo Many people's favourite, indexed by topic
HotBot Another fast and effective favourite
FTP Software Search  
Lycos An oldie but goodie
Deja News Search of postings in 15,000+ newsgroups (less binaries)
Infoseek Search of the Web and Usenet
Mamma The Mother Of All Search Engines
Open Text  
Savvy Search  
The List 1500 Internet Providers by area code: searchable database!
The Yellow Pages  
Thomas Register All North American manufacture
Internet Sleuth 800 search engines
Archieplex ARCHIE search front end
Research It!  
World Wide Web Worm  
The Playroom WOW!
Jumbo 28,000 indexed and documented shareware packages
Virtual Shareware Library  
All-in-one Search Page  


Searching for people

WhoWhere A comprehensive listing of email addresses, home pages and much more
Internet Address Finder  
OKRA net.citizen Directory  

This page was last updated on Wednesday 19 May 1999.
This page is copyright Wirenet © 1999